Adult Wednesday Bible Studies & Classes

Here, you can find our Wednesday evening bible studies and classes.

  • Band of Brothers C-101

    Lowell Whitmire leads the men each week as they walk through the scripture. This group of men is growing in the Lord as they do life together.

  • Learners of HIStory C-102 10 AM & 7 PM

    Ladies' Inductive Bible Study

    Renee Capune leads this women’s group as they do a deep dive into the word of God. If you are looking for a study that will teach you how to study God’s word, this class is for you.

  • Ladies Prayer Group C-103

    If you want to focus on praying or learning how to pray, join our ladies each week as they lift their voices to the Lord.

  • Ladies’ Bible Study C-104

    Debbie Turk leads this ladies' class as they journey together toward living a life that follows Christ. This group studies books and topics that affect our daily walk with the Lord and biblical book studies.

  • Adult Study - “Life Without Lack” A-201

    Pastor Brett Bellamy leads a study going through the book “Life without Lack” about Psalm 23.

  • “New Believers” A-202

    Stephen Guthrie teaches through the basic tenants of our faith. This is a great class if you’re new to the faith or if you want to know more about what we believe and why.

  • “Luke” A-203

    Join Mike Garner as he goes through the book of Luke and take a look at the life of Jesus.